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As many of you advocate Instagram, allow me to share that this is my playground, too. I have invested in an optimal profile with LOTS of professional pictures, higher quality photograph with my 16 Mpixel camera, shirtless 6-pack pics and I get 1 date from 100-200 openers I send to my followers. Needless to say I get tons of flakes, "I don't talk to/ date strangers" lines and HUGE ASD on my dates. Concerning the ASD, I understand BD suggests Kentwood Back Pages Girls no children on a first date etc, but I am really in no mood to follow a 2-dates system, because I only want to Find Escorts In Your Area Kentwood MI get laid and many women come out to be 6s and 7s in real life to spend any more time on them, before I make a move. Unfortunately online dating in not so popular in my country, so I am stuck with Insta. Tinder, the most popular app here, does not work for me and Badoo that used to give results is now super useless and expensive.

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