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Obviously you are a guy. If a young, sexy, beautiful woman wants to meet up with a man just to have sex she can work for an agency and charge a whole lot of money for it. You were lucky you got a freebie off the chubby wrinkly one. Maybe if she hadn't been chubby and wrinkly she would have charged you. The lady who wrote this is searching for a serious relationship, not a bunk up Eden Isle Out Calls Girls or a low life she has nothing in common with.

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Immediately upon seeing this guy, I wanted to turn around and leave. He was about 30 pounds heavier and 3 or 4 years old in person-the absolute worst way to present yourself online-and had a creepy mustache instead Backpage Adult Escorts Eden Isle LA of the flattering facial hair in his profile picture. I reluctantly ordered a sandwich (it was cold and I prefer barbeque smoking hot) and carried on a pleasant conversation with him. My physical taste for men is skinny or toned and average, so his image of average weight was at my limit, but showing up 30 pounds heavier after claiming he exercised is unacceptable. I believe misrepresenting yourself online as lying (and wrote that in my profile) so there was nothing farther Date-Check Escort between us. I want a man who takes care of his health and can be a healthy role model for children.

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